
INC agents focus on creating customized coverage solutions for Travelling nurses, recognizing and addressing their distinct requirements and potential risks. They provide personalized guidance on liability, property, and other crucial policies, guaranteeing extensive protection tailored to the specific challenges encountered by nurses. Leveraging their proficiency in understanding the intricacies of the nursing profession, INC insurance agents empower Travelling nurses to make well-informed choices for their financial security.

Health Coverage/Employee Benefits

Life Insurance

General Liability

Other Coverages

Customized insurance designed for Travelling Nurses

INC Insurance specializes in providing tailored insurance solutions for Travelling Nurses. Whether you’re an independent RN or managing a nursing practice with partners and staff, we streamline the process of obtaining comprehensive insurance online. Our goal is to offer affordable coverage, freeing you to concentrate on your nursing responsibilities.

We specialize in Travelling Nurses insurance

Choose your profession for more information or get a
customized quote for your business

Medical-Surgical Nurses, Pediatric Nurses, Critical Care Nurses, Emergency Room (ER) Nurses, Operating Room (OR) Nurses, Labor and Delivery Nurses

Why do Registered Nurses need business insurance?

Certainly, while clients may appreciate the physical challenges of a rigorous workout, their perspective can shift if they encounter more severe discomfort. They might allege that your nursing care contributed to injury or emotional distress.

Securing professional liability insurance ensures you won’t be solely responsible for defending your nursing practice or handling such claims at your own expense. It provides financial protection in the event of legal challenges, allowing you to focus on providing quality patient care without undue financial burden.

Essential Insurance Coverage for Registered Nurses

For Registered Nurses, obtaining comprehensive insurance coverage is essential. In addition to professional liability insurance, it’s wise to consider coverage for medical equipment, transportation, and personnel with various types of business insurance. Protect your nursing practice assets and enjoy peace of mind by exploring these additional coverage options.

We typically recommend:

Health insurance

Health insurance is indispensable for Registered Nurses, serving as a vital safety net in the absence of employer-sponsored benefits. With a distinct absence of the conventional employee benefits package, Registered Nurses face exposure to substantial healthcare expenses. Securing access to health insurance becomes paramount, ensuring that these professionals can comfortably afford essential medical care, preventive services, and unforeseen health-related costs. This not only enhances the overall well-being of Registered Nurses but also plays a pivotal role in fortifying the stability and sustainability of their independent practices.

General Liability

General liability insurance is essential for registered nurses as it safeguards them from potential legal and financial risks. Without the protection provided by employer-based coverage, registered nurses may be personally liable for accidents, property damage, or legal claims arising from their work. General liability insurance helps mitigate these risks by covering legal defense costs and potential settlements, ensuring that registered nurses can operate their businesses with confidence and financial security. This type of insurance is a fundamental component in protecting the assets and sustainability of registered nurses.

Workers’ Compensation

Securing Workers’ Compensation for Registered Nurses is vital for safeguarding nurses and their profession in the face of work-related incidents or allegations. This coverage extends to cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and lost wages, providing a safety net and peace of mind. Adherence to state regulations is imperative, as Workers’ Compensation is often a mandatory requirement to ensure the overall well-being of Registered Nurses and their patients.